Also, my deck collection, my crystals, and gratuitous cat, knitting, and planner pictures.
the "Month Ahead" Spread from the #tarotspreaddecember challenge |
my usual Monthly spread from Angie's Tarot Planner |
the Past/Present/Future spread from the challenge |
my Project Peace cowl and relevant notes from the daily blog posts over at The Healthy Knitter. |
my Current (ish) reading space. except when I use the kitchen table. or my desk. (this is the pretty one.) |
the cards, the cat, and cards+cat
the current collection of stones and crystals |
planning tools for the #planwithmechallenge |
the week ahead spread for the december challenge |
a variation on the celtic cross from the december challenge |
a deck interview spread with my Gaian tarot |
Monday's card for the day |
Rome Choi and Kwon Shina's "Dreaming Way Tarot"
Julia Jeffrey and Barbara Moore's "Tarot of the Hidden Realms"
Vanessa Decort's "Sun and Moon Tarot"
Gertrude Hirschi's Mudra Cards
Joanna Powell Colbert's "Gaian Tarot"